
24 février 2017

David Bitton speaks on an International Divorce Case to Le Temps

David Bitton was interviewed by Le Temps (Amon contre Amon: grand déballage sur le Rocher) in the context of the multi-million Amon v. Amon divorce, where matrimonial and criminal proceedings are pending in New York and Monaco.

02 juin 2016

David Bitton Interviewed by Le Temps on Credit Suisse Fraud Case

David Bitton was interviewed by Le Temps in the matter of the investigation into three portfolio managers in the context of a Credit Suisse banker fraud committed at the expenses of a Georgian and a Russian oligarch (Trois financiers inculpés dans l'enquête sur le banquier fraudeur de Credit Suisse).

20 novembre 2015

David Bitton Interviewed by Le Temps on Trial of Businessmen for Concealment of Diamonds

David Bitton was interviewed by Le Temps in the matter of the trial of four Geneva businessmen accused of concealing diamonds stolen at the Brussels airport (À Genève, quatre notables face aux diamants de la tentation).

24 août 2015

David Bitton Interviewed about Setting Aside of Mareva Injunction in Bouvier Case

David Bitton was interviewed by numerous media on the lifting of the Mareva injunction ordered against Yves Bouvier (Singapour lève le gel des avoirs de l'homme d'affaires Yves Bouvier, Singapour débloque les avoirs d'Yves Bouvier, triomphe judiciaire pour le Genevois).


28 avril 2015

David Bitton Interviewed by Bloomberg on Multibillion-Dollar Art Dispute Case

David Bitton was interviewed by Bloomberg (The Billionaire, the Dealer, and the $186 Million Rothko) in the context of the multi-billion art dispute opposing Yves Bouvier to Dmitro Rybolovlev.

04 octobre 2012

Enrico Monfrini, David Bitton and Yves Klein Represent Nigeria in Abacha Case

The Tribune de Genève reported on the hearings of the criminal trial of Abba Abacha, in which Enrico Monfrini, David Bitton and Yves Klein represented the Federal Republic of Nigeria, seeking the confiscation of hundreds of millions of US dollars frozen in Luxembourg (Me David Bitton : « Camus a écrit l'étranger, Abba Abacha a écrit l’absent ! » / Me David Bitton : "Camus wrote the stranger, Abba Abacha wrote the absent »).