
19 mars 2015

Yves Klein, James Bouzaglo Discuss Ben Ali Case with Media

Yves Klein and James Bouzaglo were interviewed by Bloomberg and Le Temps (Tunisia Asks to Join HSBC Case to Get Embezzled Ben Ali Cash; La Tunisie réclame 114 millions de francs à HSBC pour avoir accueilli l’argent du clan Ben Ali) about the action they are bringing on behalf of the Government of Tunisia against HSBC, Geneva, for 120 million US dollars in damages in connection with the laundering of Ben Ali funds.

25 juillet 2014

Yves Klein Pens Article on Civil Asset Recovery for Who’s Who Legal

Yves Klein published an article for Who’s Who Legal Asset Recovery 2014 titled A Civil Perspective on Asset Recovery (with a focus on Swiss Law).

04 octobre 2012

Enrico Monfrini, David Bitton and Yves Klein Represent Nigeria in Abacha Case

The Tribune de Genève reported on the hearings of the criminal trial of Abba Abacha, in which Enrico Monfrini, David Bitton and Yves Klein represented the Federal Republic of Nigeria, seeking the confiscation of hundreds of millions of US dollars frozen in Luxembourg (Me David Bitton : « Camus a écrit l'étranger, Abba Abacha a écrit l’absent ! » / Me David Bitton : "Camus wrote the stranger, Abba Abacha wrote the absent »).

04 septembre 2012

Yves Klein Explains Relevance of Decision to Return Judge’s Assets to Brazil

Yves Klein was interviewed by the Brazilian newspaper Estado de Sao Paulo on the decision of the Swiss Federal Court confirming the confiscation and allocation to Brazil of the account with Banco Santander Geneva of former judge Nicolau Dos Santos Neto, who was convicted in 2002 in Brazil for corruption and embezzlement (Suíça vai devolver ao Brasil parte do dinheiro desviado por ‘Lalau’ / Switzerland will return to Brazil part of the money embezzled by ‘Lalau’ Estado de Sao Paulo).


27 avril 2012

Yves Klein Examines Cooperation Between Criminal and Tax Law

Yves Klein was interviewed by China Economic Review on the changing landscape of Swiss law on cooperation in criminal and tax matters (Swiss Banking: do new rules threaten Chinese tax evaders ? - China Economic Review).

21 avril 2012

Yves Klein Dissects Stanford Ponzi Scheme for Le Temps

Yves Klein was interviewed by Le Temps on the Robert Allen Stanford case, in which he represents the liquidators of the estate of Stanford International Bank Ltd, Antigua (Les liquidateurs du «mini-Madoff» doublés par la justice américaine /“Mini-Madoff”’s liquidators duped by American justice).

13 mai 2011

Yves Klein ‘Busts Trust’ in London

Yves Klein made a presentation on "Trust busting in Switzerland" at the 7 Bedford Row Trust Busting Seminar, London.

20 avril 2011

Yves Klein Highlights Fraud by Financial Intermediaries

Yves Klein was interviewed by Swiss magazine L'Hebdo on financial fraud by unauthorized financial intermediaries in Switzerland  La Suisse, nid de parasites financiers / Switzerland, a nest of financial parasites).