15 juil.

David Bitton revient dans la Tribune de Genève sur l'affaire de l'agression d'un diamantaire genevois

15 juillet 2024

David Bitton revient sur une affaire d’agression et d'enlèvement particulièrement violente contre un diamantaire genevois. L’arrestation des deux complices en région parisienne a notamment été permise grâce à un appel à témoins via vidéo lancé par la Brigade de répression du banditisme (BRB). Cette méthode s'est révélée cruciale pour l'arrestation des auteurs, bien que l'attente du jugement empêche la victime de se reconstruire.

10 nov.

Yves Klein élu avocat de l'année en matière de recouvrement d'actifs par le Who's Who Legal

10 novembre 2023

Pour la troisième fois, notre associé Yves Klein a reçu de Who's Who Legal le prix de l'avocat de l'année en matière de recouvrement d'actifs.

10 oct.

Edouard Kaiflin et Natalia Hidalgo publient pour Mondaq White-Collar Crime

10 octobre 2023

Edouard Kaiflin et Natalia Hidalgo publient un article pour Mondaq White-Collar Crime intitulé “Switzerland: Anti-Money Laundering Comparative Guide”.

26 sept.

Natalia Hidalgo, Yves Klein et Edouard Kaiflin publient un article pour ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE

26 septembre 2023

Natalia Hidalgo, Yves Klein et Edouard Kaiflin  ont publié un article intitulé “Do you know about the swiss worldwide freezing order ?pour ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE Magazine.

5 sept.

Evin Durmaz élue au Comité Exécutif de l'AIJA

5 septembre 2023

Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer que notre collaboratrice, Evin Durmaz, a été élue pour siéger au Comité Exécutif de l'AIJA.

20 juil.

David Bitton est reconnu comme l'un des dix meilleurs avocats suisses dans la lutte contre la criminalité économique

20 juillet 2023

David Bitton est reconnu par Business Today comme l'un des dix meilleurs avocats suisses spécialisés dans la lutte contre la criminalité économique ayant exercé une influence révolutionnaire en 2023.

Le lien de l'article complet est disponible ici.

20 juil.

Who's Who Legal Asset Recovery 2023 reconnaît Enrico Monfrini et Yves Klein comme Global Leader et Global Elite Thought Leader

20 juillet 2023

Enrico Monfrini et Yves Klein sont reconnus comme Global Leader et Global Elite Thought Leader dans le Who's Who Legal AssetRecovery 2023. Selon leurs pairs, "Enrico est le parrain du recouvrement d'actifs en Suisse" et "Yves est un avocat phénoménal dont la réputation n'est plus à faire".



23 juin

David Bitton et Alessia Colucci sont cités dans le journal Le Temps

23 juin 2023

Acquittement obtenu pour un dentiste par Mes David Bitton et Alessia Colucci.

L’article dans son intégralité est disponible ici.

4 avril

David Bitton est cité dans le journal Le Temps

4 avril 2023

David Bitton est cité dans le journal Le Temps s'agissant de la chute du Crédit Suisse.

L’article dans son intégralité est disponible ici

3 mars

Interview de David BITTON à la RTS

3 mars 2023

David Bitton revient sur les conséquences de l’affaire Maudet et sur la problématique des cadeaux faits à des élus.

Retrouvez l’extrait du journal RTS ici.

2 déc.

David Bitton est cité dans la Tribune de Genève

2 décembre 2022

David Bitton est cité dans la Tribune de Genève, suite à l’arrestation de l'ex-gérant de fortune poursuivi pour avoir détourné quelques 40 millions de francs. Ce dernier a obtenu une libération provisoire mercredi dernier et affiche sa volonté de dédommager les personnes lésées dans cette affaire.

L’article entier est disponible ici : https://www.tdg.ch/un-gerant-de-fortune-genevois-obtient-sa-liberation-695843156895

1 déc.

Edouard Kaiflin et Natalia Hidalgo publient un article pour ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE

1 décembre 2022

Edouard Kaiflin et Natalia Hidalgo ont publié un article intitulé “Updates on money laundering and asset recovery in Switzerland" pour ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE Magazine.

11 nov.

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Alec Pouponnot

11 novembre 2022

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Me Alec Pouponnot, avocat stagiaire. Il exerce principalement dans le domaine du contentieux administratif, civil et pénal, ainsi que dans le conseil juridique. Alec parle français, anglais et italien.


29 sept.

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Paola Bittar

29 septembre 2022

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Me Paola Bittar , avocate stagiaire. Elle exerce principalement dans le domaine du contentieux administratif, civil et pénal, ainsi que dans le conseil juridique. Paola parle français, anglais et allemand. 

26 sept.

Edouard Kaiflin et Natalia Hidalgo publient un article pour ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE

26 septembre 2022

Edouard Kaiflin et Natalia Hidalgo ont publié un article intitulé “Lifting the veil on consolidated bankruptcies - update on the recognition of foreign bankruptcies in Switzerland” pour ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE Magazine.

1 sept.

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Lucile Cuccodoro

1 septembre 2022

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Me Lucile Cuccodoro, avocate stagiaire. Elle exerce principalement dans le domaine du contentieux administratif, civil et pénal, ainsi que dans le conseil juridique. Lucile parle français, anglais, allemand et italien.


26 août

Who's Who Legal Asset Recovery 2022 reconnaît Yves Klein comme Global Elite Thought Leader

26 août 2022

Yves Klein a été reconnu par Who's Who Legal Asset Recovery 2022 comme Global Elite Thought Leader.
23 août

Yves Klein contribue au Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide

23 août 2022

Yves Klein a contribué au chapitre Suisse Law  & Practice de Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide “Enforcement of Judgments 2022”.

28 juil.

Who's Who Legal Asset Recovery 2022 vient de publier sa dernière édition de l'analyse du marché juridique :

28 juillet 2022

Chez Monfrini Bitton Klein, Enrico Monfrini est une légende du marché suisse, avec plus de 40 ans d'expérience en matière de recouvrement d'actifs, de lutte contre la corruption et d'une multitude de procédures civiles et pénales. 

Yves Klein est un nom très accompli et respecté dans le domaine du recouvrement d'actifs. Ses pairs disent de lui qu'il est "incontournable sur le marché suisse".

1 juil.

MBK et Yves Klein sont classés par Chambers and Partners

1 juillet 2022

Nous sommes très fiers d'avoir été reconnue par le classement Global-wide Asset Tracing & Recovery (Band 2), notre associé Yves Klein étant classé parmi les cinq avocats du monde entier dans le Band 1.

30 juin

Yves Klein publishes an Article on the Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Switzerland

30 juin 2022

Yves Klein contributed with Antonia Motirroni to the 10th edition of the Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards of Thomson Reuters Practical Law Global.

The Q&A gives a structured overview of key practical issues concerning enforcement of arbitral awards in this jurisdiction, including the legal framework; international conventions/agreements; enforceable/excluded types of arbitral award; enforcement proceedings; challenging enforcement; appeal or challenge at the seat of arbitration; actual enforcement; interim remedies and interest; and any reform proposals.

24 juin

Natalia Hidalgo and Elisa Branca publient un article pour Mondaq Asset Recovery and White-Collar Crime Newsfeed

24 juin 2022

Natalia Hidalgo et Elisa Branca publient un article pour Mondaq Asset Recovery and White-Collar Crime Newsfeeds intitulé "Les pouvoirs de la société étrangère en faillite et de l'administration de la faillite étrangère devant les autorités suisses en cas de fraude".

21 juin

Evin Durmaz et Yves Klein publient un article pour Mondaq Asset Recovery Newsfeeds

21 juin 2022

Evin Durmaz & Yves Klein publient un article pour Mondaq Asset Recovery Newsfeeds intitulé “A Swiss § 1782? Article 185a PILA And The Assistance Of Swiss Courts To Obtain Evidence In Support Of Foreign Arbitral Proceedings”.

14 juin

Yves Klein et Evin Durmaz participent à la conférence anti-corruption de l'IBA

14 juin 2022

Yves Klein et Evin Durmaz ont participé à la conférence anti-corruption de l'International Bar Association à Paris.

12 juin

Yves Klein a participé au 5e Forum sur l’exécution internationale des jugements et sentences (FIEJA)

12 juin 2022

Yves Klein a participé au 5e Forum sur l’exécution internationale des jugements et sentences (FIEJA) organisé par Cambridge Forums Inc. à Surrey.

27 mai

Evin Durmaz et Natalia Hidalgo ont assisté à la conférence ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE à Vilamoura

27 mai 2022

Evin Durmaz et Natalia Hidalgo ont assisté à la conférence ThoughtLeaders 4 FIRE qui a eu lieu à Vilamoura.

Evin Durmaz a également participé au panel International Enforcement.

25 mars

Yves Klein présente à C5 Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery

25 mars 2022

Yves Klein a participé au panel "Spotlight on Contentious Cross-Border Insolvency and Restructuring" avec Mark Shaw de BDO et Richard Gillis de One Essex Court à la conférence C5 Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery Geneva.

23 mars

Dîner annuel au restaurant El Faro

23 mars 2022

Nous avons été très heureux d'accueillr à nouveau nos collègues et amis à notre dîner annuel sur le recouvrement d'actifs et la fraude au restaurant El Faro à l'occasion de la conférence C5 Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery Geneva.

3 mars

Natalia Hidalgo a participé au concours ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE d’essais FIRE Starters

3 mars 2022

Natalia Hidalgo a publié un article intitulé The powers of the foreign bankrupt company and the foreign bankruptcy administrator to act before the Swiss Authorities in case of fraud  dans le cadre du concours d'essais FIRE Starters organisé par ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE Magazine.

28 févr.

Yves Klein interviewé par Le Temps sur les sanctions contre la Russie

28 février 2022

Yves Klein a été interviewé par Le Temps sur l’application par les banques des sanctions adoptées par le gouvernement suisse contre la Russie.

25 févr.

Evin Durmaz, Natalia Hidalgo et Edouar Kaiflin ont participé au FIRE Starters Global Summit de ThoughtLeaders 4 FIRE

25 février 2022

Evin Durmaz, Natalia Hidalgo et Edouard Kaiflin  ont participé au FIRE Starters Global Summit organisé par ThoughtLeaders 4 FIRE à Dublin et MBK est fier d'avoir sponsorisé l'événement qui s'est tenu à Dublin.

Evin Durmaz a également participé au panel intitulé "Innovative Ways to Identify, Recover and Enforce against Assets".

1 janv.

Natalia Hidalgo promue au poste de collaboratrice senior

1 janvier 2022

Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que Natalia Hidalgo a été promue au poste de collaboratrice senior. Admise au Barreau en 2018, les principaux domaines d'activités de Me Hidalgo sont le contentieux bancaire et financier, le recouvrement international d’actifs, le droit pénal économique, la reconnaissance et l’exécution de jugements, sentences arbitrales et jugements de faillite étrangers, ainsi que l’entraide pénale en matière civile, pénale et fiscale.

23 déc.

Yves Klein et Edouard Kaiflin publient pour Mondaq Asset Recovery et White Collar Crime

23 décembre 2021

Yves Klein et Edouard Kaiflin publient un article pour Mondaq Asset Recovery intitulé “Trust your standing! Standing of beneficiaries of trusts and foundations in Swiss criminal or mutual assistance proceedings”.

23 nov.

Natalia Hidalgo, Yves Klein and Evin Durmaz publish an article for Mondaq Asset Recovery

23 novembre 2021

Natalia Hidalgo, Yves Klein et  Evin Durmaz publient un article pour Mondaq Asset Recovery intitulé "Better Than Damages: Actions For Performance Against Swiss Banks Regarding Fraudulent Transfers"

23 nov.

Natalia Hidalgo, Yves Klein et Evin Durmaz publient pour Mondaq Asset Recovery

23 novembre 2021

Natalia Hidalgo, Yves Klein et  Evin Durmaz publient un article pour Mondaq Asset Recovery intitulé "Hand Over The Keys To The Safe! Obligation Of Swiss Banks To Provide Information In Bankruptcy Proceedings, Including Evidence Against Themselves", la version française est disponible ici

18 nov.

Monfrini Bitton Klein figure à nouveau dans Global Restructuring Review’s GRR100

18 novembre 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein figure à nouveau dans le GRR100 de Global Restructuring Review, qui présente les principaux cabinets d'avocats du monde actifs en matière de restructurations et de faillites transfrontalières.

9 nov.

Yves Klein publie dans The Asset Tracing and Recovery Review

9 novembre 2021

Yves Klein a co-rédigé le chapitre Switzerland pour la 9ème édition de l'ouvrage The Asset Tracing and Recovery Review, édité Law Business Research, Londres.

5 nov.

Monfrini Bitton Klein renouvelle son partenariat avec la Communauté FIRE

5 novembre 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein renouvelle son partenariat avec Thought Leaders 4 FIRE (Fraud. Insolvency. Recovery. Enforcement.) pour une deuxième année.

1 nov.

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite un bon retour à Elisa Branca

1 novembre 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein est fière d’accueillir, à nouveau, en tant que collaboratrice Me Elisa Branca, qui a réussi l’examen de brevet après avoir terminé son stage d'avocate au sein de l'Etude. Ses principaux domaines d'activités sont les contentieux transfrontaliers en matière civile, de faillite et de criminalité économique, le droit international privé et l’exécution de jugements étrangers et de sentences arbitrales.

20 oct.

Monfrini Bitton Klein a sponsorisé ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE FIRE Starters à Londres

20 octobre 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein a sponsorisé ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE FIRE Starters à Londres, auquel Yves Klein, Edouard Kaiflin, Natalia Hidalgo, Evin Durmaz et Elisa Branca ont assisté.

20 oct.

Yves Klein a présidé un atelier lors de la conférence ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE FIRE Starters à Londres sur le ‘Recovery and Enforcement - innovative ways to identify, recover and enforce against assets’

20 octobre 2021

Yves Klein a présidé un atelier lors de la conférence ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE FIRE Starters à Londres intitulé Recovery and Enforcement - innovative ways to identify, recover and enforce against assets’ avec Tamlyn Edmonds, Syed Rahman et Simon Hurry

19 oct.

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Soraya Tièche

19 octobre 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à  Me Soraya Tièche, avocate stagiaire. Elle exerce principalement dans le domaine du contentieux administratif, civil et pénal, ainsi que dans le conseil juridique. Soraya parle français, italien et anglais.

8 oct.

David Bitton dans le Temps sur le procès Maudet

8 octobre 2021

Me David Bitton a été interviewé par Fati Mansour dans le Temps sur le procès en appel de Pierre Maudet; débutant le 11 octobre devant la Chambre pénale d'appel et de révision de Genève, dans lequel il représente l'un des co-accusés.

7 oct.

Who's Who Legal a de nouveau classé David Bitton comme un leader national et mondial de la défense concernant la criminalité des affaires

7 octobre 2021

Who's Who Legal a de nouveau classé David Bitton comme un leader national et mondial de la défense concernant la criminalité économique. Il a été décrit en tant que "genius with wide courtroom experience". Il a également été qualifié comme étant "the go-to person in business crime”.

24 sept.

Natalia Hidalgo, Yves Klein et Evin Durmaz publient un article pour ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE

24 septembre 2021

Natalia Hidalgo, Yves Klein et Evin Durmaz ont publié un article intitulé ‘Hand Over the Keys to the Safe! Swiss Banks Obligation to Provide Information in Bankruptcy Proceedings, Including Against Themselves’ pour ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE Magazine.

23 sept.

Monfrini Bitton Klein sponsorise ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE FIRE UK : Welcome Back Summit

23 septembre 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein a sponsorié ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE FIRE UK : Welcome Back Summit, auquel Me Yves Klein et Me Evin Durmaz ont participé.

10 sept.

Yves Klein et Edouard Kaiflin publient pour Mondaq Asset Recovery

10 septembre 2021

Yves Klein et Edouard Kaiflin publient un article pour Mondaq Asset Recovery intitulé “Post-Brexit Enforcement Of UK Judgments In Switzerland: All Is Not Lost”.

10 sept.

Evin Durmaz, Yves Klein et Natalia Hidalgo publient pour Mondaq White-Collar Crime

10 septembre 2021

Evin Durmaz, Yves Klein et Natalia Hidalgo publient un article pour Mondaq White-Collar Crime intitulé "Privileged Or Not Privileged? Privilege Of Communications With Non-Swiss Lawyers In Criminal Investigations".

20 août

Edouard Kaiflin, Natalia Hidalgo et Evin Durmaz ont participé au congrès AIJA à Zürich

20 août 2021

Edouard Kaiflin, Natalia Hidalgo et Evin Durmaz ont participé au 59ème congrès de l'Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats, l'AIJA, se déroulant à Zürich.

3 août

Yves Klein contribue au Global Practice Guide

3 août 2021

Yves Klein a contribué aux chapitres suisses Law & Practice et Trend & Developments du Global Practice Guide "Enforcement of Judgments 2021" de Chambers and Partners.

2 août

Who's Who Legal Asset Recovery 2021 reconnaît Yves Klein comme Global Elite Thought Leader

2 août 2021

Yves Klein a été reconnu par Who's Who Legal Asset Recovery 2021 comme Global Elite Thought Leader.

Ses pairs et clients disent de lui :

"An absolute market leader"
"One of the best asset recovery lawyers I have had the pleasure of working with"
"He is very active in the field"

11 juil.

Monfrini Bitton Klein classée par Chambers and Partners

11 juillet 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein est reconnue par le classement "Global-wide Asset Tracing & Recovery Rankings ("Band 2") de Chambers and Partners :

"MONFRINI BITTON KLEIN is a market-leading asset recovery boutique."

Yves Klein est classé en "Band 1" : 

"Yves is a highly intelligent, skilled litigator," dit un avocat, "he's the go-to Swiss litigator." Un initié du marché ajoute : "Yves is an expert when it comes to Swiss aspects of a large asset tracing and recovery case. He's part of an elite group in the country." "Yves's understanding of common law proceedings, his international experience, his strategic thinking and his ability to tap into a global network of asset recovery specialists has really helped," commente un client.

21 juin

Yves Klein participe au panel de ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE's 'FIRE & ICE: Freezing the Un-Freezable

21 juin 2021

Yves Klein a participé au panel de ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE's 'FIRE & ICE: Freezing the Un-Freezable.

4 juin

David Bitton dans la Tribune de Genève

4 juin 2021

David Bitton est cité dans la Tribune de Genève à propos du litige de plusieurs milliards d'euros opposant le marchand d'art suisse Yves Bouvier au milliardaire russe Dmitri Rybolovlev.


Bataille sur le marché de l'art - L'ennemi juré de Bouvier crie au déni de justice

27 mai

Yves Klein parle lors de la conférence Asset Recovery Americas d'Informa Connect

27 mai 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein a sponsorisé la conférence Asset Recovery Americas d'Informa Connect, qui a eu lieu virtuellement le 27 mai 2021. Yves Klein a fait une présentation intitulée 'Criminal investigations – do they help or hinder recovery?'.

1 mai

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Natalia Hidalgo

1 mai 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à la nouvelle avocate collaboratrice Natalia Hidalgo, qui exerce dans le domaine du contentieux judiciaire en matière civile et pénale. Elle intervient principalement dans les litiges complexes à caractère transfrontalier, soulevant notamment des problématiques de droit bancaire et de criminalité économique. Son activité comprend également les procédures de reconnaissance et d’exécution ainsi que l’assistance judiciaire internationale en matière civile, pénale et fiscale. Natalia parle français, anglais et espagnol.

1 avril

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Alessia Colucci

1 avril 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à la nouvelle avocate collaboratrice Alessia Colucci, qui exerce dans le domaine du contentieux judiciaire en matière civile et pénale. Son expérience lui permet d’intervenir notamment dans des affaires matrimoniales complexes et transfrontalières ainsi que dans des dossiers de criminalité économique et d’entraide internationale en matière pénale. Alessia parle français, anglais et italien.

8 mars

David Bitton reconnu par Who's Who Legal Switzerland 2021 en Business Crime Defence

8 mars 2021

David Bitton est reconnu comme Business Crime Defence National Leader par Who's Who Legal Switzerland 2021.

 "David Bitton receives glowing praise as “a genius with wide courtroom experience". He is distinguished by one impressed source as "the go-to person in business crime

8 mars

Monfrini Bitton Klein classée dans Who's Who Legal Switzerland 2021 en Asset Recovery

8 mars 2021

Monfrini Bitton Klein a trois avocats reconnus comme Asset Recovery National Leaders par Who's Who Legal Switzerland 2021.

"Monfrini Bitton Klein is home to three lawyers noted in this year’s edition.

Yves Klein is a “fantastic specialist” with a wealth of insight into complex asset recovery matters.

Antonia Mottironi draws praise for being “very active in the asset recovery space and an impressive lawyer".

Enrico Monfrini receives plaudits for the breadth of his experience handling complex cross-border asset recovery cases."

17 févr.

David Bitton dans La Tribune de Genève et Heidi News à propos du procès Maudet

17 février 2021

David Bitton a plaidé lors du procès d'un des co-accusé de l’ancien Président du Conseil d’Etat de Genève Pierre Maudet, accusé d’avoir accepté un avantage indu dans le cadre de ses fonctions.

Pierre Maudet s'est cru plus fort que les règles

A Genève, tout est donc une affaire de copinage ?

11 févr.

David Bitton dans Le Temps sur le procès Maudet

11 février 2021

David Bitton représentera un des co-accusé de l’ancien Président du Conseil d’Etat de Genève Pierre Maudet, qui est accusé d’avoir accepté un avantage indu dans le cadre de ses fonctions.

L’heure de vérité pour Pierre Maudet et ses quatre compères.

7 déc.

Yves Klein a participé à la conférence de OffshoreAlert vGLOBAL

7 décembre 2020

Monfrini Bitton Klein a sponsorisé la conférence de OffshoreAlert vGLOBALYves Klein a modéré la session "Offshore/Onshore Case Study: Insolvency & Global Asset Recovery".

30 sept.

Yves Klein et Antonia Mottironi publient pour The Asset Tracing and Recovery Review

30 septembre 2020

Yves Klein et Antonia Mottironi ont rédigé le chapitre Switzerland pour la 8ème édition de l'ouvrage The Asset Tracing and Recovery Review, édité par Robert Hunter, Law Business Research, Londres.

1 sept.

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Evin Durmaz

1 septembre 2020

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à la nouvelle avocate collaboratrice Evin DurmazSes principaux domaines d’activité sont le recouvrement international d’actifs, le droit pénal économique, le droit de l’investissement international et l’entraide judiciaire internationale. Sa formation en droit international, ainsi que son expérience professionnelle dans le monde des entreprises lui permettent d’aborder les dossiers internationaux de manière pratique, multidisciplinaire et multiculturelle. Evin parle français, anglais, turc, espagnol et allemand. 

1 juin

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à Elisa Branca

1 juin 2020

Monfrini Bitton Klein souhaite la bienvenue à la nouvelle avocate stagiaire Elisa Branca, qui exerce dans le domaine du conseil et du contentieux judiciaire en matière administrative, civile et pénale. Elisa parle français, italien et anglais.

18 nov.

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi publish an Article on the Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Switzerland

18 novembre 2019


Antonia Mottironi and Yves Klein contributed to the 5th edition of the Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Commercial Matters Global Guide, Thomson Reuters Practical Law. The Q&A gives a structured overview of key practical issues concerning enforcement of judgments and arbitral awards in Switzerland. The chapter may be downloaded from our Publications page.

15 oct.

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi publishes for The Asset Tracing and Recovery Review

15 octobre 2019

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi wrote the Switzerland chapter for the 7th edition of The Asset Tracing and Recovery Review, edited by Robert Hunter, Law Business Research, London.

27 juin

MBK ranked in Band 1 by Chambers & Partners for Asset Tracing and Recovery

27 juin 2019

Monfrini Bitton Klein has been ranked in Band 1 Global-wide for Asset Tracing and Recovery in Chambers and Partners inaugural Litigation Support Guide 2019:

A true specialist and global leader in the implementation and co-ordination of asset recovery based in Geneva, MONFRINI BITTON KLEIN is a litigation boutique capable of handling global recovery cases valued in the billions. They are the first port of call for any client requiring assistance in the French-speaking region of Switzerland. "They're my go-to firm, capable of running a global project. They always leave their ego at the door." "They're a real sharp-shooter in Switzerland, a key jurisdiction that's hard to operate in."

Yves Klein is among the 9 lawyers worldwide mentioned in Chambers' spotlight table:

An asset recovery lawyer at the top of his field, Yves Klein is lauded by numerous sources for his outstanding track record. Interviewees describe him as "a pioneer in the field and an eminent figure in the market" and "the leading practitioner in asset recovery."

24 mai

Antonia Mottironi spoke at the International Association of Young Lawyers Half-Year Conference in Hong-Kong

24 mai 2019

Counsel Antonia Mottironi spoke on « Recovery of assets stemming from criminal offences: States' various remedies vs personal protection of property, in particular at a transnational level » at the AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers Half-Year Conference in Hong Kong that will take place on 22-25 May. The conference was supported by the LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG, and the UIA Union Internationale des Avocats.

16 mai

Yves Klein is Asset Recovery Lawyer of the Year

16 mai 2019

Yves Klein has received the Asset Recovery Lawyer of the Year Award from Who's Who Legal.

3 avril

Monfrini Bitton Klein is Switzerland's Asset Recovery Law Firm of the Year

3 avril 2019

Monfrini Bitton Klein received the Firm of the Year and Yves Klein the Lawyer of the Year Awards in the Asset Recovery category at the Who's Who Legal Switzerland Awards ceremony that took place in Zurich.

29 mars

MBK recognised in in Who's Who Legal Special Report on Switzerland

29 mars 2019

Enrico Monfrini, David Biton and Yves Klein feature in Who's Who Legal Special Report on Switzerland 2019 in the Asset Recovery, Business Crime Defense and Litigation categories.

1 mars

MBK sponsored the Asset Recovery International Conference in Dublin

1 mars 2019

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi participated in the KNect 365, Asset Recovery: Fraud Litigation, Enforcement and Contentious Insolvency Conference in Dublin. Yves Klein presented on Asset Protection Trusts: How to Break Them.

19 déc.

Antonia Mottironi contributes to the launch of the Asset Recovery Hub of KNect365

19 décembre 2018

Antonia Mottironi published an article Switzerland - Overlooked Tools For Pre-Trial Evidence Outside of Criminal Proceedings in the inaugural edition of the Asset Recovery Magazine (p25).

Asset Recovery Magazine

14 nov.

David Bitton speaks to the Tribune de Genève about his client in the Maudet case

14 novembre 2018

David Bitton was interviewed by the Tribune de Genève on his defense of one the businessmen suspected of granting an advantage to Mr. Pierre Maudet, Minister of Justice and former President of the Canton of Geneva.

Affaire Maudet : deux Libano-Genevois bientôt en prévention.

13 nov.

David Bitton in Monaco Matin about the consequences of Rybolovlev's arrest

13 novembre 2018

David Bitton was interviewed by Monaco Matin on the filing for annulment of the Monaco criminal proceedings against Yves Bouvier as a consequence of the probe by Monaco prosecutors into corruption and influence peddling by AS Monaco owner Dimitry Rybolovlev in his long-running dispute with the Geneva art dealer.

Annulation de la procédure : le marchand d'art suisse Yves Bouvier a déposé sa demande.





7 nov.

David Bitton speaks to the Tribune de Genève about Dimitry Rybolovlev's arrest

7 novembre 2018

David Bitton was interviewed by the Tribune de Genève on the arrest of AS Monaco owner Dimitry Rybolovlev by Monaco prosecutors in relation to a probe into corruption and influence peddling in his long-running dispute with Geneva art dealer Yves Bouvier.


Le magnat Rybolovlev inculpé à Monaco


26 oct.

Yves Klein presents at IBRA, São Paulo

26 octobre 2018

Yves Klein participated in the 1st International Seminar on Asset Recovery as a Tool in Combating Fraud and Corruption of the Brazilian Institute for Asset Recovery/Instituto Brasileiro de Rastreamento de Ativos (IBRA) and presented on Conflict between criminal and insolvency proceedings/Conflito entre o procedimento criminal e falimentar

18 oct.

Monfrini Bitton Klein in Who's Who Legal Thought Leaders Switzerland

18 octobre 2018

Enrico Monfrini and Yves Klein feature in the inaugural edition of Who's Who Legal Thought Leaders: Switzerland 2018, which brings together the country’s foremost practitioners across a diverse range of practice areas.

According to Who's Who Legal Special Report on Switzerland

Yves Klein at MONFRINI BITTON KLEIN is the foremost asset recovery specialist in the Swiss market, who is “very well known” among peers as “an excellent strategist”. According to one source, “He is in the top echelon of practitioners in the field.” Enrico Monfrini is internationally recognised for his excellence when it comes to asset recovery matters, and garners praise for his work tracing the proceeds of corruption.

10 oct.

Monfrini Bitton Klein sponsors the Committees on Anti-Corruption, Business Crime and Criminal Law joint dinner at the IBA Annual Conference in Rome

10 octobre 2018

Monfrini Bitton Klein sponsored the Committees on Anti-Corruption, Business Crime and Criminal Law joint dinner at the IBA Annual Conference in Rome.

8 oct.

Yves Klein moderates the Mock Trial at the IBA Annual Conference in Rome

8 octobre 2018

At the IBA Annual Conference in Rome, Yves Klein co-moderated the Mock Trial, titled The Briber’s Dilemma in Parallel Criminal, Arbitral and Civil Asset Recovery Proceedings, which took place at Italy's Supreme Court of Cassation and explored how the issues of circulation of evidence, legal profesional privilege and privilege against self incrimination are managed in criminal, arbitral and civil asset recovery proceedings by having the same persons examined by an Italian criminal court, an ICSID arbitral tribunal and the English High Court on the same set of facts. Hon. Judges of Italy's Supreme Court of Cassation Pierluigi Di Stefano and Andrea Venegoni, served respectively as Judge and as Attorney General in the Italian criminal proceedings. Sir John Goldring, President of the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal, presided over the English and ICSID hearings.

20 août

Monfrini Bitton Klein recognized by Who's Who Legal 2018

20 août 2018

Monfrini Bitton Klein features once again prominently in Who's Who Legal 2018, in the Asset Recovery, Business Crime Defense and Litigation practice areas:

Legendary litigator Enrico Monfrini is one of Switzerland’s most eminent names in the field of asset recovery, with 40 years’ experience in complex domestic and international civil and criminal proceedings (WWL Asset Recovery).

David Bitton is a well-known figure when it comes to individual defence work, and is commended by sources for his “unwavering commitment and dedication to the client” (WWL Business Crime Defense).

Yves Klein is “a thought leader in the sphere of asset recovery”, an area in which “he demonstrates creativity and exemplary technical expertise” (WWL Asset Recovery). Yves Klein is one of the leading financial and business crime litigation lawyers working the market today (WWL Litigation).

23 juil.

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi publish on Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Switzerland

23 juillet 2018

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi contributed to the chapter on Switzerland of the latest edition of Thomson Reuters’ Practical Guide on Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards (2018).

15 juil.

Monfrini Bittton Klein recognized by Who's Who Legal Asset Recovery 2018

15 juillet 2018

Enrico Monfrini and Yves Klein were ranked by Who's Who Legal: Asset Recovery 2018, and Yves Klein was recognized as the No. 1 Asset Recovery Thought Leader in Europe, Middle-East and Africa (onshore jurisdictions):

Two practitioners from this well-known Swiss outfit are recognised, including market powerhouse Yves Klein.

Yves Klein is “a thought leader in the sphere of asset recovery”, an area in which “he demonstrates creativity and exemplary technical expertise”. Sources commend him for his “unparalleled strategic insight”, with one noting, “He is the one to go to when it comes to enforcement.”

Enrico Monfrini is widely recognised as a standout asset recovery lawyer across EMEA, and wins high praise for his expert handling of business-crime investigations, corruption and asset recovery matters.


27 juin

Monfrini Bitton Klein presents on Arbitration and Corruption at the London C5 Anti-Corruption Conference

27 juin 2018

Monfrini Bitton Klein hosted a luncheon on "Corruption and arbitration: risk and evidentiary issues" for 20 participants at the London C5 Anti-Corruption Conference on 27-28 June 2018. Yves Klein and Claire Daams were joined by Théobald Naud, of DLA Piper France LLP, Paris, and Ravinder Thukral, of Brown Rudnick LLP, London and Paris, to discuss on the issue of the existence of different rules and practices applying to the proof of corruption in parallel criminal, administrative, arbitral and civil proceedings, in particular to privilege, right against self incrimination, admissibility of evidence and publicity. On the eve of the conference, Monfrini Bitton Klein hosted an anti-corruption and asset recovery dinner at the Swan, in the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.

12 juin

Yves Klein and Claire Daams present at the Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference in Paris

12 juin 2018

Yves Klein and Claire Daams presented at the IBA 16th Anti-Corruption Conference in Paris on 12 and 13 June 2018 on “How to recover assets but avoid confronting the corrupt politician directly” and “Self-reporting and legal professional privilege in the context of bribery investigations”. Monfrini Bitton Klein sponsored the conference dinner.

4 juin

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi participate in the Forum on International Enforcement of Judgements and Awards (FIEJA)

4 juin 2018

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi participated in the Forum on International Enforcement of Judgements and Awards (FIEJA) in Surrey from 3 to 5 June 2018.

This round-table discussion allowed more than 40 specialists from common and civil law jurisdictions to debate on the latest developments in the area. Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi presented the latest developments of Swiss case law regarding the attachment of future claims in commodity trading, the enforcement of an arbitral award against a non party through the lifting of the corporate veil, the access of a defendant in criminal proceedings to a bankruptcy file and the new provisions on the recognition of foreign insolvencies in the Swiss Private International Law Act.

31 mai

David Bitton interviewed by Le Temps on arrest of English solicitor for blackmail

31 mai 2018

David Bitton was interviewed on the arrest, ordered by Geneva Public Prosecutor Stéphane Grodecki, of an English solicitor for willful defamation, breach of professional secrecy, contempt of court and attempt of extorsion and coercion, for having sent defamatory information to foreign authorities about his former client, a Swiss oil company.  Un avocat anglais arrêté à Genève pour chantage

18 mai

Monfrini Bitton Klein recognized in Who's Who Legal Special Report on Switzerland

18 mai 2018

Who's Who Legal Special Report on Switzerland has just been published.

The Asset Recovery section prominently features our partners Enrico Monfrini and Yves Klein: Yves Klein at MONFRINI BITTON KLEIN is the foremost asset recovery specialist in the Swiss market, who is “very well known” among peers as “an excellent strategist”. According to one source, “He is in the top echelon of practitioners in the field.” Enrico Monfrini is internationally recognised for his excellence when it comes to asset recovery matters, and garners praise for his work tracing the proceeds of corruption.

David Bitton is recognized in the Business Crime Defense section: David Bitton is a well-known figure when it comes to individual defence work, and is commended by sources for his “unwavering commitment and dedication to the client”.

30 avril

Antonia Mottironi joins AIJA's Insolvency Commission

30 avril 2018

Antonia Mottironi joined the Insolvency Commission of the International Association of Young Lawyers AIJA.

"AIJA is the only global association devoted to lawyers and in-house counsel aged 45 and under. Since 1962 AIJA provides outstanding international opportunities for young lawyers to network, learn and develop".

21 avril

Antonia Mottironi, Claire Daams and Yves Klein publish an article in India’s Legal Era Magazine

21 avril 2018

Antonia Mottironi, Claire Daams and Yves Klein published an article on Switzerland’s new cross-border insolvency regime in India’s Legal Era Magazine, April edition (p.26).

15 avril

Monfrini Bitton Klein welcomes Edouard Kaiflin

15 avril 2018

Monfrini Bitton Klein welcomes new associate Edouard Kaiflin, who practices civil and criminal litigation, notably international asset recovery, enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards and white collar crime. He speaks French,  English, Spanish and German.

13 avril

Claire Daams and Yves Klein present at the Paris Arbitration Week

13 avril 2018

On Thursday 12 April, Claire Daams and Yves Klein presented on La conformité à l’ordre public et l’exécution des sentences arbitrales en Europe, in a session chaired by Florence Richard, with Emilie Gonin, Hakim Boularbah and Guy Lepage at the breakfast organized by the ICC International Court of Arbitration and La Française International Claims Collection during the Paris Arbitration Week.

21 mars

Yves Klein and Claire Daams present on Arbitration and Corruption at the Zurich C5 Anti-Corruption Conference

21 mars 2018

Yves Klein and Claire Daams chaired a panel on Arbitration and Corruption during the Zurich C5 Anti-Corruption Conference, 19-21 March 2018. They were joined by Balz Gross, of Homburger, Zurich, and Ravinder Thukral, of Brown Rudnick LLP, London and Paris to discuss about applicable legal and procedural principles, the gathering and use of evidence and public v. private interest.


10 mars

Monfrini Bitton Klein ranked by Chambers for its White-Collar Crime and Asset Recovery practices

10 mars 2018

Monfrini Bitton Klein was once again recognized by Chambers and Partners as a leading firm for its white-collar crime and asset recovery practices. According to Chambers, sources "appreciate and respect their high professional skills and qualities."

8 févr.

The Bouvier hearing

8 février 2018

A judicial iron arm beetween Dmitry Rybolovlev and Yves Bouvier that started in 2015 continues. On 8 February 2018, the art dealer Yves Bouvier, assisted by David Bitton, was examined by Geneva Public Prosecutor Yves Bertossa. Affaire Rybolovlev : le marchand d'art Yves Bouvier auditionné à Genève

13 janv.

Yves Klein presents at Basel University Conference on Arbitation and Crime

13 janvier 2018

On Friday 12 January, our partner Yves Klein presented on ‘How to prove criminal conduct? Evidence issues’ at Basel University conference on ‘Arbitration and Crime - Dealing with Allegations of Economic Crime in Arbitration’  

5 déc.

Enrico Monfrini interviewed by Le Temps on Switzerland returning US$321 Million of Abacha assets to Nigeria

5 décembre 2017

On Monday, Bern signed with Nigeria and the World Bank an agreement on the monitoring of the return of US$321 million of Abacha funds to Nigeria. Enrico Monfrini was interviewed by Le Temps on the asset recovery efforts led by him and our firm on behalf of Nigeria to achieve the forfeiture of those assets by the Attorney General of Geneva in December 2014. Affaire Abacha: la Suisse rend 321 millions de dollars au Nigeria.



4 déc.

Bouvier : « The endless case »

4 décembre 2017

A judicial brawl that continues between Me Bitton, Geneva lawyer, representing of Yves Bouvier and Me Temime, Parisian lawyer, representing of Dmitri Rybolovlev.

Pourquoi l'affaire Bouvier s'éternise

1 déc.

Yves Klein and Claire Daams attend BijzonderStrafrecht.nl Academy's Anti-Bribery & Corruption Conference 2017

1 décembre 2017

On 1 December, Yves Klein and Claire Daams presented on "Asset recovery in international corruption cases" at the BijzonderStrafrecht.nl Academy's Anti-Bribery & Corruption Conference 2017 in Amsterdam.


25 nov.

David Bitton Interviewed by the Tribune de Genève on the Bouvier Art Case

25 novembre 2017

After the sale of the Salvator Mundi David BITTON speaks to the Tribune de Genève on the Bouvier v Rybolovlev case.

(Le divorce du siècle hante l’affaire Bouvier)

16 nov.

« Salvator Mundi »: David Bitton speaks to Le Temps and Tribune de Genève

16 novembre 2017

David Bitton was interviewed on the impact of the Salvator Mundi sale on the dispute between the Russian oligarch Dmitri Rybolovlev and the Geneva art dealer Yves Bouvier.

«Salvator Mundi»: Dmitri Rybolovlev est invité à retirer sa plainte contre Yves Bouvier / Le Christ vendu, «il n'y a plus d'affaire Bouvier».



10 nov.

Yves Klein named Asset Recovery Thought Leader by Who's Who Legal

10 novembre 2017

Yves Klein has been named Asset Recovery Thought Leader by Who's Who Legal 2018.

For more information, read his Q&A here.

6 nov.

Yves Klein and Claire Daams attended the IBA Latin American Anti-Corruption Enforcement and Compliance Conference in São Paulo

6 novembre 2017

Yves Klein co-chaired the IBA Latin American Anti-Corruption Enforcement and Compliance Conference in São Paulo. He also moderated the session titled "Civil and insolvency asset recovery tools: a complement to criminal proceedings".

Claire Daams moderated the session titled « The anti-corruption revolution – is it actually taking place in Latin America? A view from the enforcement agencies ».

Yves Klein and Claire Daams also animated an asset recovery workshop for Latin American prosecutors on the interaction between criminal proceedings and civil & insolvency asset recovery tools, which enjoyed the support of the IBA and the OECD.

11 oct.

Yves Klein and Claire Daams attended the IBA Annual Conference in Sydney

11 octobre 2017

On Tuesday 10 October, Yves Klein co-chaired the session titled Offshore structures as a barrier to recovery of assets from criminals - Beneficial ownership issues and chaired the Asset Recovery Subcommittee open business meeting.

On the same day, Johnson Winter & Slattery, Peters & Peters and Monfrini Bitton Klein hosted a lunch at the O Bar for representatives of law enforcement and regulatory authorities attending the conference.

On Wednesday 11 October, Claire Daams co-chaired the Global anti-corruption update.

In the evening, Monfrini Bitton Klein sponsored the joint dinner of the Anti-Corruption, Business Crime and Criminal Law Committees.

2 oct.

David Bitton Interviewed by La Tribune de Genève on Art Case

2 octobre 2017

David Bitton was inteviewed by La Tribune de Genève on the Bouvier v Rybolovlev art case (L’affaire Bouvier revient là où tout a commencé).

1 sept.

David Bitton recognised in Who's Who Legal Business Crime Defence 2017

1 septembre 2017

David Bitton was recognised in Who's Who Legal Business Crime Defence 2017. WWL says: David Bitton is a well-known figure when it comes to individual defence work, and is commended by sources for his “unwavering commitment and dedication to the client”.

14 août

Antonia Mottironi presented at the Corporate Fraud & Forensics India Summit 2017, Mumbai

14 août 2017

Antonia Mottironi presented on "Fraud and Corruption: International Developments” and “The Recovery of Fraudulently Stolen Assets” at the Corporate Fraud & Forensics India Summit 2017, which took place in Mumbai from 10 to 11 August 2017.

1 août

Monfrini Bitton Klein sponsors the IBA Latin American Anti-Corruption Enforcement and Compliance Conference

1 août 2017

Monfrini Bitton Klein is proud to sponsor the IBA Latin American Anti-Corruption Enforcement and Compliance Conference that will take place in São Paulo from 6 to 7 November 2017. Yves Klein, who as chair of the IBA Asset Recovery Subcommittee is one of the conference co-chairs, will moderate the session titled "Civil and insolvency asset recovery tools: a complement to criminal proceedings". Claire Daams will moderate the session titled "The anti-corruption revolution – is it actually taking place in Latin America? A view from the enforcement agencies". For more information, see the conference website.

28 juil.

Monfrini Bitton Klein recognised in Who's Who Legal Asset Recovery 2017

28 juillet 2017

Monfrini Bitton Klein was once again prominently featured in Who's Who Legal Asset Recovery 2017.

Yves Klein was notably recognised as the No. 1 Asset Recovery Thought Leader in the EMEA Region.

28 juil.

Monfrini Bitton Klein sponsors the Corporate Fraud & Forensics India Summit 2017

28 juillet 2017

Monfrini Bitton Klein is proud to sponsor the Corporate Fraud & Forensics India Summit 2017, which will take place in Mumbai from 10 to 11 August 2017

Yves Klein will present on "Fraud and Corruption: International Developments” and “The Recovery of Fraudulently Stolen Assets”.

27 juil.

David Bitton Inteviewed by Bloomberg in Bank Fraud Investigation

27 juillet 2017

David Bitton was inteviewed by Bloomberg in connection with an alleged bank fraud at Credit Suisse (Ex-Credit Suisse Banker Charged in Turkish Client Probe).

29 juin

Monfrini Bitton Klein hosts a luncheon at the London C5 Anti-Corruption Conference

29 juin 2017

Monfrini Bitton Klein hosted a luncheon on "Opportunities and obstacles in offshore investigations" for 20 participants at the London C5 Anti-Corruption Conference. Yves Klein, Claire Daams, Antonia Mottironi, and Stephen Baker and Simon Thomas, from Baker and Partners, Jersey, discussed with the attendants the issues of privilege in internal investigations and of the use of asset recovery by companies which managers or employees have committed acts of active bribery.

22 juin

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi write an article on a bill to facilitate the recognition of foreign insolvencies in Switzerland

22 juin 2017

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi wrote an article "Switzerland - A new hope? The Swiss Government adopts its Dispatch to the Parliament on an amendment to the provisions governing recognition of foreign insolvencies" for Lexology, which may be downloaded here.

14 juin

Yves Klein Chairs an Asset Recovery Workshop for Law Enforcement Officials at OECD in Paris

14 juin 2017

Yves Klein chaired an Asset Recovery Workshop for Law Enforcement Officials in parallel to the Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference and to the meeting of the Law Enforcement Officials of the OECD’s Working Group on Bribery.

13 juin

Yves Klein Chairs the Asset Recovery Session at the Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference in Paris

13 juin 2017

Yves Klein chaired the session titled Asset recovery: Role and standing of victims of corruption in criminal proceedings, notably in the context of structured criminal settlements at the Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference in Paris.

12 juin

Yves Klein Chairs the IBA Asset Recovery Subcommittee meeting in Paris

12 juin 2017

Yves Klein chaired the Asset Recovery Subcommittee (Anti-Corruption Committee) meeting at the Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference in Paris. Antonia Mottironi also attended.

6 juin

Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi publish an Article on the Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Switzerland

6 juin 2017

The article on the Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Switzerland written by Yves Klein and Antonia Mottironi for Thomson Reuters' Practical Guide went to print today. Its online edition is available here.

1 juin

Monfrini Bitton Klein launches with a new name and a renewed dedication to its core litigation strengths

1 juin 2017

Based in Geneva but borderless in its reach, the renamed Monfrini Bitton Klein is a conflict-free litigation boutique focusing on white-collar crime and offshore litigation.

The white-collar crime practice ranges from international asset recovery to business crime defense and to anti-corruption investigations.

The offshore civil litigation practice concentrates on enforcing foreign judgments, arbitral awards and insolvency orders, freezing concealed assets in commercial, matrimonial and probate disputes, and obtaining evidence in support of proceedings abroad.

3 mai

Yves Klein Presents on Criminal and Civil Asset Recovery at FIU, Miami

3 mai 2017

Yves Klein and James Bouzaglo attended the Florida International University College of Law 2nd Annual Conference on the Fight against Corruption and Impunity, Miami, which saw the participation of several law enforcement officials from around the world. Yves Klein presented on Pluses and Minuses of Government-to-Government or Criminal-Based Asset Recovery and on Case Studies of Successful Civil Asset Recoveries.

1 mai

Yves Klein Presents on Strategies to Obtain Information at OffshoreAlert Miami

1 mai 2017

Yves Klein and James Bouzaglo attended the 15th Miami OffshoreAlert Conference. Yves Klein presented on Strategies to Obtain Information in Offshore Jurisdictions.

29 avril

James Bouzaglo, Yves Klein Attend ICC FraudNet’s Spring Meeting in Miami

29 avril 2017

Yves Klein and James Bouzaglo attended the ICC-FraudNet spring meeting in Miami, which saw the participation of more than 80 fraud and asset recovery professionals from around the world.

19 avril

David Bitton Analyzes Bouvier Art Case for the Tribune de Genève

19 avril 2017

David Bitton was interviewed by the Tribune de Genève (Les juges de Singapour donnent raison à Yves Bouvier) on the Singapore Court of Appeal decision admitting Swiss art dealer Yves Bouvier’s appeal on his Forum Non Conveniens application in the context of his multibillion art dispute against Russian oligarch Dmitri Rybolovlev.

10 avril

Our Firm is Ranked by Chambers for Asset Recovery

10 avril 2017

Our firm was once again ranked in Chambers Europe in the White-Collar crime category for its asset recovery practice: A niche asset recovery practice with a strong reputation in this field. Represents individuals and companies as plaintiffs in financial crime cases and acts on behalf of liquidators in international bankruptcy matters. Best known for representing numerous national governments in their asset-tracing and recovery actions. Clients particularly appreciate the firm's "extensive expertise in international asset recovery." One source adds that the team are "excellent strategists, tremendously responsive and collaborative." Yves Klein is an expert in anti-money laundering and asset tracing. One interviewee describes him as having "a huge amount of experience in the area. He looks for broader solutions and is easy to get along with." Enrico Monfrini has vast experience in asset recovery cases having assisted many national governments over the years.

24 mars

Yves Klein is Switzerland’s ‘Most Highly Regarded Individual’ in Asset Recovery (Who’s Who Legal)

24 mars 2017

Yves Klein was ranked as the Most Highly Regarded Individual in the asset recovery practice by Who’s Who Legal: Switzerland 2017. Our firm is home to two of the most nominated attorneys in our research. The “really remarkable” Yves Klein is highlighted for his “incredible work” in the area. One source says: “Yves is particularly skilled at developing strategy to pursue worldwide asset recovery.” Enrico Monfrini is also highly nominated for his skill and expertise in the area. He has an extensive background acting for countries and governments in relation to asset recovery matters.

24 févr.

David Bitton speaks on an International Divorce Case to Le Temps

24 février 2017

David Bitton was interviewed by Le Temps (Amon contre Amon: grand déballage sur le Rocher) in the context of the multi-million Amon v. Amon divorce, where matrimonial and criminal proceedings are pending in New York and Monaco.

13 févr.

Yves Klein recognized as an Asset Recovery Thought Leader by Who’s Who Legal

13 février 2017

Yves Klein was recognized as an Asset Recovery Thought Leader by Who’s Who Legal in its inaugural WWL Thought Leaders 2017 edition.

17 janv.

Yves Klein publishes for The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Review

17 janvier 2017

Yves Klein wrote the Switzerland chapter for the 5th edition of The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Review, edited by Mark Mendelsohn, Law Business Research, London.

8 déc.

Yves Klein Presents Civil Asset Recovery Tools at the OECD Working Group on Bribery

8 décembre 2016

Yves Klein presented on Civil asset recovery tools as complements to foreign bribery investigations at the OECD Working Group on Bribery meeting in Paris.

14 nov.

Yves Klein Presents on Strategies to Obtain Information at OffshoreAlert London

14 novembre 2016

Yves Klein presented on Strategies to Obtain Information in Offshore Jurisdictions at the 5th Annual European OffshoreAlert Conference on Financial Intelligence & Investigations, London.

20 sept.

Yves Klein Chairs the Asset Recovery Subcommittee meeting at the IBA Conference in Washington, DC

20 septembre 2016

Yves Klein chaired the Asset Recovery Subcommittee (Anti-Corruption Committee) meeting at the IBA Annual Conference in Washington, DC.

27 juin

Yves Klein Presents on Cross-Border Insolvency in Rio de Janeiro

27 juin 2016

Yves Klein presented on the Recognition of foreign insolvencies in Switzerland and participation in criminal proceedings at the 1st ICC FraudNet Symposium on Cross-Border Insolvency and Asset Recovery (Homologação de Falências Estrangeiras na Suíça e Participação em Processos Penais - ICC FraudNet - 1° Simpósio sobre Falência Transnacional e Recuperação de Ativos), Rio de Janeiro.

24 juin

Yves Klein Presents on Recovery of Corruption Proceeds at FIU, Miami

24 juin 2016

Yves Klein presented on Effective Recovery of the Proceeds of Corruption – A Legal Perspective and Case Studies at the Florida International University College of Law, The Fight Against Corruption and Impunity in 2016 and Beyond, Miami.

14 juin

Yves Klein Presents Asset-Recovery Case Study at IBA Anti-Corruption Conference in Paris

14 juin 2016

Yves Klein presented on Asset Recovery Case Study and chaired the IBA Asset Recovery Subcommittee meeting at the 14th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference in Paris.

2 juin

David Bitton Interviewed by Le Temps on Credit Suisse Fraud Case

2 juin 2016

David Bitton was interviewed by Le Temps in the matter of the investigation into three portfolio managers in the context of a Credit Suisse banker fraud committed at the expenses of a Georgian and a Russian oligarch (Trois financiers inculpés dans l'enquête sur le banquier fraudeur de Credit Suisse).

1 mai

Yves Klein Tackles Banks’ Role in Ponzi Schemes at OffshoreAlert Miami

1 mai 2016

Yves Klein presented on ‘You Can’t Run a Ponzi Scheme without a Bank’ – The Victims Strike Back at the 14th OffshoreAlert Conference, Miami.

10 avril

James Bouzaglo Outlines Use of Freeze Orders in Oil Tycoon’s Divorce

10 avril 2016

James Bouzaglo was quoted in Mexican Norte Digital (Congelado) in connection with the freeze orders he obtained in Geneva on behalf of the divorce of Mexican oil tycoon Miguel Zaragoza.

20 nov.

David Bitton Interviewed by Le Temps on Trial of Businessmen for Concealment of Diamonds

20 novembre 2015

David Bitton was interviewed by Le Temps in the matter of the trial of four Geneva businessmen accused of concealing diamonds stolen at the Brussels airport (À Genève, quatre notables face aux diamants de la tentation).

12 nov.

Yves Klein Presents on International Judicial Cooperation for Academy & Finance, Geneva

12 novembre 2015

Yves Klein presented on L’entraide judiciaire internationale : quels sont les pouvoirs des juges en pratique ? at the Academy & Finance conference Le nouveau tournant de la place financière suisse, Geneva.

6 nov.

Yves Klein Interviewed on Money Laundering by Brazil's Leading Newspaper Valor Economico

6 novembre 2015

Yves Klein was interviewed by Valor Economico on the use of Swiss bank accounts to launder the proceeds of bribery and tax fraud.

2 oct.

Yves Klein Presents About Liability of Banks at ICC FraudNet, Vienna

2 octobre 2015

Yves Klein presented on Case Study – Potential Liability of Banks at the ICC FraudNet Conference on Fraud, Corruption and Asset Recovery, Vienna

24 août

David Bitton Interviewed about Setting Aside of Mareva Injunction in Bouvier Case

24 août 2015

David Bitton was interviewed by numerous media on the lifting of the Mareva injunction ordered against Yves Bouvier (Singapour lève le gel des avoirs de l'homme d'affaires Yves Bouvier, Singapour débloque les avoirs d'Yves Bouvier, triomphe judiciaire pour le Genevois).


10 juin

Yves Klein Presents on Civil Asset Recovery at IBA Anti-Corruption Conference, Paris

10 juin 2015

Yves Klein presented on Developments in civil asset recovery at the 13th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference, Paris.

28 avril

David Bitton Interviewed by Bloomberg on Multibillion-Dollar Art Dispute Case

28 avril 2015

David Bitton was interviewed by Bloomberg (The Billionaire, the Dealer, and the $186 Million Rothko) in the context of the multi-billion art dispute opposing Yves Bouvier to Dmitro Rybolovlev.

6 avril

Yves Klein Interviewed on Challenges of Ben Ali Asset Recovery

6 avril 2015

Yves Klein was interviewed by Swissinfo in an article (The complex case of Tunisia’s blocked funds) about the difficulties faced in Switzerland to recover the Ben Ali funds and the new strategy developed to seek damages from facilitators, such as banks who laundered crime proceeds.


19 mars

Yves Klein, James Bouzaglo Discuss Ben Ali Case with Media

19 mars 2015

Yves Klein and James Bouzaglo were interviewed by Bloomberg and Le Temps (Tunisia Asks to Join HSBC Case to Get Embezzled Ben Ali Cash; La Tunisie réclame 114 millions de francs à HSBC pour avoir accueilli l’argent du clan Ben Ali) about the action they are bringing on behalf of the Government of Tunisia against HSBC, Geneva, for 120 million US dollars in damages in connection with the laundering of Ben Ali funds.

25 juil.

Yves Klein Pens Article on Civil Asset Recovery for Who’s Who Legal

25 juillet 2014

Yves Klein published an article for Who’s Who Legal Asset Recovery 2014 titled A Civil Perspective on Asset Recovery (with a focus on Swiss Law).

4 mai

Enrico Monfrini Compares Lázaro and Abacha Cases for La Nación

4 mai 2013

El caso Lázaro Báez impacta en la dinámica de la justicia en Suiza / The Lázaro Báez case impacts on the dynamic of justice in Switzerland (La Nación)

Enrico Monfrini was interviewed by Argentina’s La Nación on the parallels between the Lázaro case and the Abacha case.

4 oct.

Enrico Monfrini, David Bitton and Yves Klein Represent Nigeria in Abacha Case

4 octobre 2012

The Tribune de Genève reported on the hearings of the criminal trial of Abba Abacha, in which Enrico Monfrini, David Bitton and Yves Klein represented the Federal Republic of Nigeria, seeking the confiscation of hundreds of millions of US dollars frozen in Luxembourg (Me David Bitton : « Camus a écrit l'étranger, Abba Abacha a écrit l’absent ! » / Me David Bitton : "Camus wrote the stranger, Abba Abacha wrote the absent »).

4 sept.

Yves Klein Explains Relevance of Decision to Return Judge’s Assets to Brazil

4 septembre 2012

Yves Klein was interviewed by the Brazilian newspaper Estado de Sao Paulo on the decision of the Swiss Federal Court confirming the confiscation and allocation to Brazil of the account with Banco Santander Geneva of former judge Nicolau Dos Santos Neto, who was convicted in 2002 in Brazil for corruption and embezzlement (Suíça vai devolver ao Brasil parte do dinheiro desviado por ‘Lalau’ / Switzerland will return to Brazil part of the money embezzled by ‘Lalau’ Estado de Sao Paulo).


24 mai

Enrico Monfrini Tells Reuters About Genesis of Ben Ali Case

24 mai 2012

Enrico Monfrini was interviewed by Reuters on the proceedings he initiated on behalf of Tunisia to recover the assets of former President Ben Ali and his associates (Bounty hunter on the trail of Arab Spring loot Reuters).

27 avril

Yves Klein Examines Cooperation Between Criminal and Tax Law

27 avril 2012

Yves Klein was interviewed by China Economic Review on the changing landscape of Swiss law on cooperation in criminal and tax matters (Swiss Banking: do new rules threaten Chinese tax evaders ? - China Economic Review).

23 avril

Enrico Monfrini Discusses Asset Recovery from International Kleptocrats

23 avril 2012

Enrico Monfrini was interviewed by Germany’s Tagesspiegel on the proceedings he initiated on behalf of developing nations (Nigeria, Haiti, Tunisia) to recover the assets of kleptocrats (Abacha, Duvalier, Ben Ali) (Der Milliardenjäger (The hunter of billions)).

21 avril

Yves Klein Dissects Stanford Ponzi Scheme for Le Temps

21 avril 2012

Yves Klein was interviewed by Le Temps on the Robert Allen Stanford case, in which he represents the liquidators of the estate of Stanford International Bank Ltd, Antigua (Les liquidateurs du «mini-Madoff» doublés par la justice américaine /“Mini-Madoff”’s liquidators duped by American justice).

27 août

Enrico Monfrini Shares Experience of Asset Recovery from Sani Abacha

27 août 2011

Enrico Monfrini was interviewed in Belgium’s L’Echo on his experience in hunting dictators’ assets, notably those of Sani Abacha (Enrico Monfrini: Traqueur de cleptocrates / Enrico Monfrini: kleptocrats hunter).

13 mai

Yves Klein ‘Busts Trust’ in London

13 mai 2011

Yves Klein made a presentation on "Trust busting in Switzerland" at the 7 Bedford Row Trust Busting Seminar, London.

6 mai

Financial Times Features Enrico Monfrini on Assets of Dictators

6 mai 2011

Enrico Monfrini was featured in Financial Times’ First Person, where he discusses his experience in hunting dictators’ assets, notably those of Sani Abacha and Jean-Claude Duvalier (First Person: Enrico Monfrini).

20 avril

Yves Klein Highlights Fraud by Financial Intermediaries

20 avril 2011

Yves Klein was interviewed by Swiss magazine L'Hebdo on financial fraud by unauthorized financial intermediaries in Switzerland  La Suisse, nid de parasites financiers / Switzerland, a nest of financial parasites).

3 mars

Enrico Monfrini Speaks to BBC about Abacha and Duvalier Cases

3 mars 2011

Enrico Monfrini is interviewed in BBC’s Outlook on his experience in hunting dictators’ assets, notably Sani Abacha and Jean-Claude Duvalier (The dictator hunter).

1 févr.

Enrico Monfrini’s ‘Hunting’ of Dictators’ Assets Featured in Financial Times Deutschland

1 février 2011

Enrico Monfrini is featured in Financial Times Deutschland’s Agenda and speaks on his experience in hunting dictators’ assets, notably Sani Abacha and Jean-Claude Duvalier (Monfrini - der Potentatenjäger / Monfrini – the dictators hunter).