Darya Dolasevic


Civil, criminal and administrative litigation, banking law, economic criminal law, international legal assistance.


Darya Dolasevic holds a Bachelor of Laws (2015), a Certificate in Transnational Law (2016) a Master of Laws (2017) and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions (2017) from the University of Geneva.

After completing her legal internship with a renowned law firm, Darya Dolasevic is admitted to the Geneva Bar in February 2019. She then works in several Geneva law firms, before joining Monfrini Bitton Klein as an associate.

Darya Dolasevic has also undertaken two world tours (2019-2020 and 2022-2023), during which she had the opportunity to practice as Of Counsel from abroad and to acquire experience of a variety of legal systems, enabling her to advise an international clientele.

Practice areas

Darya Dolasevic practises in various areas of litigation, including criminal law, particularly economic law, as well as banking law, contract law and international legal assistance. She also intervenes in complex cases with international ramifications.

Darya Dolasevic assists individuals and companies before both cantonal and federal courts.

She is also consulted on administrative disputes and is active in various aspects of family law.

Professional affiliations

Geneva Bar Association, Swiss Bar Association, International Criminal Law Association

Practice areas

Criminal law

Banking law

International legal assistance

Contract law

Family law

Administrative law